
Blue skies are here again!

As an antidote to the functional infographic of pathologies further down the page here’s some blue sky to gaze at 🙂 although there does seem to be quite a lot of it about looking out of the window at the moment.

blue sky

Apologies for sparse posts recently. I promised a post about stress reduction strategies in my last post and that’s still to come as I talked about the bad effects of stressors on the body. The good effects we can generate are still to come… I’ve not forgotten about it.

I’ve been getting my learn on using a somewhat scattergun approach.

There are various functional approaches to improving wellness including FMT and cPNI (a bunch of acronyms again). These strategies have held my attention as I’ve chosen to investigate them aswell as taking an online microbiology course from the University of Boulder.

I received this graphic from a health blogger I’ve been following for… what must be 10 years?

I need to adjust my thinking on this ‘new’ technology! I know a version of the web has been around since the 50s but I had no dealings with ARPA net, the military early adopters.

Finding approaches to fixing my leaky gut is something I plan to revisit (after talking about gut permeability in previous posts) Step up candida to take your rightful place as just ONE of many things that can cause a leaky gut.

Christa Orrechio is another health and wellness online presence I listen to and will be trying some more approaches that will deal more effectively with bloating and other digestive issues which are some of the more visible signs of an unhappy tummy.

I’d been on rotations of various anti virals, antifungals and anti-parasitic protocols before but a more integrative/holistic protocol that promises to deal with inflammation of the gut lining before worrying too much about clearing gut baddies (fatigue and brain fog are two other symptoms).

functional considerations