Aim to be the Master of your Universe

Aim to be the master of your universe

Amazingly, we can be the victims and masters of our own minds at the same time!

Remember, we are in charge of how our mind chooses to busy itself. We have the option to be the master of our universe.

I don’t always hear that recognition in the voices around me?

Aim to be the master of your universe

Before we continue I’d like to extend my condolences and best, best wishes to Ann Boroch’s  family and friends at this sad time.

I was writing this post when I heard about the suicide of a compassionate, determined and skilled naturopath in the US who, over a decade ago started to heal herself of MS. She was facing a life of increasing immobility but instead of accepting her fate she researched and found a form of no sugar diet to rid herself of overgrown candida could go a long way to keeping herself well!

Sadly, Ann Boroch seemed to have lost her fight in being the master of her own universe.

We all face a range of challenges every day.

Some of which can sink us but others we seem to be able to skip through.

Aim to be master of your universe.

What is it that can make that difference?

We know nothing of Ann’s personal demons but these

5 strategies can smooth life out and we can start to feel like the master of our universe, again.

  • staying in charge of our breathing can help knock the edges off a rising panic.
  • Feeling like we’re being listened to can make all the difference, too.
  • Finding something we like to do whether that be crosswords, jigsaws, catching up with friends, taking a walk in the park or pirating knitting patterns (illegal distribution is not recommended).
  • Visualisation: The first job of our brain is to keep us alive and has been for  a very long time. The brain goes through some mental gymnastics to stop us getting damaged, again. We imagine ‘what might happen if…?’

When we can feel in charge of something in a world where that’s often not the case life generally flows more smoothly. The image below shows it can be taken too far and we can feel isolated… but safe.

master of their universe?


I appreciate this is sounding very US West Coast/Californian especially to a society that’s just finding out what Brexit might mean for us and our universe but still, we’re in charge of what goes on in our heads.

‘Coping’ with stress is an adaptive function that has helped keep us alive.

The same turning over of ideas that so far has saved the human race can also work against us.  Be aware of any shifts in thinking.

We’re wired to worry and it takes conscious effort not to follow the same path. Endlessly going over stuff doesn’t serve us and can become addictive! Even more so if we don’t make any changes in response to the fretting.

One trick (easier said than done) is to get out of the habit of stressing about stuff!

How can we stop the release of cortisol that accompanies the fight or flight response? We become primed for action, our body stops digesting food, gives us a natural boost of anti-inflammatories to reduce possible pain, our arms and legs are ready to get us out of danger.

  • Before blind panic sets in write everything down and perform a mind dump. This simple action can nearly literally take the thoughts out of our heads.

Learning ways to reduce our worries is the first step toward leading a calmer life. as a 20 minute interview with Dr Rossman spells it out for us.

With some tweaks to what and when we eat life can feel a lot more rosey!

Author: deezll

I have spent half my life with a chronic disease and have spent a fair amount of that time addressing some of the common symptoms that a long term condition can bring. Living well is a smart choice and we all know it makes sense.

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